Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thinspiration? Are you kidding me?

Thinspiration has got to be the dumbest trend I have ever encountered. There's also something called Ana, short for anorexia, as if it were a beautiful thing for women and girls to aspire to. This kind of thing really irks me because I was anorexic completely from past trauma. Food was disgusting to me. I still take medication to make me hungry. I used to weigh 105 pounds at 5'4" and I never felt pretty. Girls that glorify starving themselves are just sick. It's a sad obsession, but having been anorexic having nothing to do with vanity, I don't have to imagine what these girls are going through. Being hungry and weak, having bone and skin problems, aging prematurely, feeling awful every waking second-- and for what? So they can see their bones? So their stomachs eat themselves flat? So they can look like Nicole Richie or Posh Spice? So their legs will look like sticks and their arms like twigs? How is being sick beautiful? I just don't understand. When I looked like that, I hated my body. I hated that everything just hung on my bones and that I had no curves. I wasn't in control of my eating habits... and these girls do it by choice. It's an epidemic, and I hope one day these girls realize that they are killing themselves and they look like shit.

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